The film follows Talia, a young woman trapped in the monotony of modern life in London, where bleak cityscapes and toxic workplaces define her existence. Haunted by recurring nightmares of fire and an enigmatic orange matchbook, Talia struggles to find meaning in her stagnant relationships and a suffocating job at the corporate agency, Rowe Jones. Her home life isn’t much better, as her activist boyfriend Lucas and his militant companions take over her space, leaving her alienated in her own home.
Talia’s only sanctuary is a crisis support hotline, where she volunteers to hear the problems of strangers as a way to disconnect from her own life. A turning point occurs when Talia, while volunteering, receives a mysterious, almost supernatural call from "Nod," whose voice transports her to an ethereal meadow. This haunting experience leaves Talia questioning her reality, her past, and her purpose. As protests in London escalate into violence, Lucas’s slow radicalisation from reckless activism into homegrown terrorist collides with Talia’s growing desire to reclaim her autonomy. The “Nod” calls keep coming, and the mystery only deepens.
Faced with harassment at work, oppressive social dynamics, and visions that blur the lines between dreams and reality, Talia uses courage and ingenuity to begin to assert herself. From exposing her boss's predatory behaviour to confronting the chaos Lucas brings into her life and standing up to predatory local thugs, she fights to rediscover her voice and sense of agency. As the moment of solving the secret of “Nod” grows nearer, the story culminates in a moment of explosive resilience as Talia takes control of her own narrative, leaving behind a world that no longer serves her.
"NOD" is a poignant exploration of disconnection, resilience, and the search for personal truth in a fractured world.

"Once in a while, one comes across a complex story grounded in a mixture of realism and surrealism, only to realize that great storytelling comes from personal places that require our investment in order to tell us something new about ourselves that we haven't discovered before. Such a case is the feature-length script that we review here, titled NOD."
"In this most sophisticated approach to storytelling, we recognize that the writer is an auteur filmmaker who has devoted themselves to the tiniest detail. As a result, NOD is a multilayered and complex script that works on several levels."
Reader's Notes, The Golden Script Competition (2023)
for the third draft of "NOD"
for the third draft of "NOD"
"This story is a gripping meditation on the vivid and surprising forms that grief can express itself in, what it takes to push a passive person over the edge."
"The dialogue in this script is subtle, grounded, and realistic."
"Talia is a compelling character to follow and her circumstances make her easy to root for. The supporting characters in this script really shine as being specific, detailed, and full of their own distinct quirks."
"This slow burn story does an excellent job of creating mystery and confusion, while still providing concrete conflict and obstacles for its lead to face."
"This script tells a compelling story with captivating characters that reeled me in from the first few pages. There is an incredibly strong sense of tone and atmosphere that is immediately established and supports the tension and suspense consistently throughout the script."
"...these few lines made me feel like I had physically walked into that room."
Reader's Notes, Raindance Script Competition (2022)
for the second draft of "NOD"
for the second draft of "NOD"

Top 2% Plot | Top 3% Overall Impression | Top 8% Structure
"This is such a dark and beautifully written script"
"Such a captivating read"
"Very well-written and emotionally engaging from start to finish"
"Such a captivating read"
"Very well-written and emotionally engaging from start to finish"
Judge's Notes on "NOD" first draft
WeScreenplay Feature Contest 2022
WeScreenplay Feature Contest 2022

"The dialogue is well-written in developing the various dimensions of the characters and moving the narrative to the conclusion."
"The audience invests from the start of the narrative and we maintain our investment until the conclusion."
"Interesting premise around a mysterious voice in inciting terror and horror."
"Carrie or Poltergeist meets Spike Jonze’s Her."
Analyst T Dimos' Notes on "NOD" first draft
Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards 2022
Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards 2022